Home Defense During Riots, Looting and Civil Unrest

By Sharon R. Upchurch

So you want to carry and own self defence weapons that you could use without fear, or concern for your attackers safety. You also want these tools to be concealable, and have them stored at home, in your car and on your person.Within this special article I will review the different types of self defence weapons that you can use, and the implications of laws if you use them. Knife or edged weapon. This weapon is typically designed for people who could plunge a blade into a person attacking them, without freezing up in fear or shock over the action of stabbing someone. Legally this is assault with a deadly weapon and can get you some jail time, not to mention you can end up killing your attacker.
[Best Home Defence]

Now Is The Time To Plan Home Defense,It takes very little planning now to enact some steps that can literally save your life if/when riots and looting strike your area. Contrary to popular opinion, you don't necessarily needs guns to protect yourself, your home and your loved ones from rioters or looters. Not if you are smart. The key is to "harden your house" to make is a less attractive target and also a more difficult place to loot. You won't have to brandish a firearm if looters never choose your house. The time to take these steps is now, when there is no emergency.

Steel Batons. I suggest you have this handy weapon in your bedroom when sleeping at night, an extendable baton gives you leverage by 3 feet and is a painful impact weapon that I highly recommend.Choose self defence weapons you are comfortable with you could use in a life or death emergency.I often get asked what the best form of self defense is.Or, what is the best self defense product to carry. My answer is always the same. The best form of self defense that which you are able and willing to do. The best self defense product is the one that you are actually willing to carry and use.Because there are many women who are not able to train in physical self defense, due to time constraints or physical limitations, I prefer to focus on things that can be carried and used by anyone, regardless of age, size or strength.

Safety Is Beautiful,Once your front door is secured, both by looking secure with a steel outer door, and by being very secure with a Door Club, turn your attention to your front windows. It is NOT necessary to install burglar bars, which most people find less than attractive. A great way to keep people from coming in your windows is by planting rose bushes! Anyone who has picked roses knows from painful experience that a bush full of sharp thorns is NOT an obstacle that you will take lightly. Planting rose bushes is a very modest investment - they can be purchased for under ten dollars each and they grow and grow. Anyone starting to go through your roses to get to your window will soon stop.

When the Police arrive put the weapon down before answering the door. Today she is comfortable keeping the shotgun loaded with bird shot high up in the closet on hooks the kids don't even know it's up there. For added security she had me install a simple gun lock that can be easily removed. She feels safe and frankly so do I, she evens looks forward to going to the range with me. Wonder if I can talk her into shooting my magnum.Naw! Home security companies advertise on TV day and night. You see their ads all the time. They are trying to get your business of course. The reason is because home burglary and home invasions are two of the fastest-growing crimes in the country.A home invasion is a version of a home burglary. Home burglary is usually done by one person who picks a house that he knows the occupants are gone. A home invasion is usually done by two or more people specifically done when they know the occupants are there.So in that sense it's a much more terrifying crime and it usually ends in some kind of violence, whereas in a burglary the bad guy is in and out hopefully without even anyone knowing about it.

In another instance, I had a gentleman who's primary concern was dogs. He and his wife walked in the early mornings and lately he had noticed some stray dogs around. I showed him a canine repellant spray and a stun baton. He got one of each.Like anything, self defense has a lot to do with your personal comfort zone. You may be empowered with a flashlight stun gun on your belt holster.But if the sound of a stun gun sparking startles you and causes you to jump back rather than towards your assailant, then it would be rendered ineffective.

Self defense is a growing problem in an ever more violent world. The majority of women, in fact, know their attackers. This puts them at an even greater disadvantage because they may not suspect that trouble is brewing. For them, women's self defense products can be lifesaving. The key is in finding the best choices in self defense items.There are a variety of pepper sprays for use as self defense weapons. Some of them are even better than the rest in that they are easily disguised. Some may have pepper sprays contained in a lipstick tube-shaped device. Other pepper sprays come in the form of rings and other jewelry. These types of self defense items make it easy to surprise an attacker.

Three or four years ago you were without any real, viable method for domestic and personal defense and, should a home invasion occur, you would be the victim of a particularly horrible crime. The sad fact is that you cannot count on the police to be there just when you need them most. In this world you have to be ready to defend your children, you family, your property and yourself on your own.

If a woman is still not satisfied with all these self defense weapons, tasers are a logical next step. After all, a stun gun is 85% effective but tasers are virtually 100% effective. With well made tasers, women's self defense becomes a sure thing. Tasers will stop any aggressor, no matter how big or how crafty. What is more, tasers are good for up to 15 feet from the target. That means that the woman need not give the attacker the chance to take over her self defense weapons.

Paintballing is now a family sport with men, women and young people of all ages involved. It is played in the woods, inside buildings, in paintball parks and in urban environments and not just some silly looking make believe battleground.The Generation 6 paintball weapon is a self-contained, rapid fire single shot, 3 round burst or fully automatic, magazine fed weapon that can, in the right hands, and with a little training be a highly effective method for family, home and personal defense.In short, non-lethal does not mean painless or ineffective by any stretch of the imagination. And unlike conventional firearms anyone over the age of 18 can purchase and legally own their choice of paintball weapons. There are no government restrictions what-so-ever. This means that regardless of your past you now have a legal, very effective way to protect your children, your family, yourself and your home.

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