How To Increase Self Confidence

By Sindy Zoer

All of us want to be confident and feel confident. But there are many among us who have little or no self confidence. Self confidence is not acquired overnight. It takes a lot of determination and dedication for people who have insecurities and low self esteem within themselves to improve their self confidence. If you want to know how to improve self confidence then there are some easy steps that can be very helpful for you.It is a fact that everyone is not born with an in built sense of self confidence.Some people may find it hard to develop confidence sometimes because of their personal experiences or if they have very low self esteem. There are a few techniques or handy things that you can do to build your confidence. Some of these techniques are very simple and little changes that you can easily follow, and the others are things you need to work on for a bit longer to get the desired goal.
[How To Increase Self Confidence]

"Into two years of leadership practice immersed in real-world challenges. Into a diverse community of colleagues and faculty reflecting a world of talents, beliefs, and backgrounds. Into an intense period of personal and professional transformation that prepares them for challenges in any functional area-anywhere in the world."According to an article: bizjournals.There has been 10 students starting Tech Companies that are attending Harvard Business School just November last year. Harvard is also know for the reputable speakers that drop by Harvard to educate it's students about entrepreneurship.

Such speakers are Bill Gates, Guy Kawasaki, and many others.Harvard as done an excellent job at give there students, a learning environment to create large companies such as Facebook.The environment that your surrounded with has tremendous effect on your self confidence. If you think in your mind, habitually, reasons on why you can't do something, this causes you to focus on those reasons as if they are absolute fact.What you need to do to combat the environmental odds stacking against your self confidence as an aspiring business professional, is to make an effort to positions yourself into environments that change you and push you outside of your comfort zone.

Stick to Your Principles.A person of dignity and principles can always believe in him or herself. In times of low self confidence he or she can take great encouragements for following and maintaining principles. You need to hold on to something and it cannot be better than sticking to principles. You can tell yourself when it comes to how to improve self confidence that you have followed your principles at all times in life and that it is a very great virtue you have.Set Some Goals.You need to have an aim in life. Life goes on and you need to move on with it. You can and should always set some goals and try to achieve them using your abilities and qualities. These goals can be anything such as planning to go out with friends for a picnic, spending an evening out with friends, planning a night out etc. So setting goals and trying to achieve them can increase your self confidence gradually but steadily.

It dampens your self confidence when you don't see progress toward you goals, and allowing for too many distractions will hinder your progression.When you notice a place where you can focus, then Do what ever you can to change up your working environment. I go to Starbucks when I really want to focus and get my task completed.I usually buy a coffee but that's all of the distractions I have. There are no television, refrigerator, or people interruptions. Just Coffee and a hard stool chair to keep you focused.

Suffice it to say that, indeed (and incontestably), a great deal of unhappiness in our lives is caused by our worry as to 'what others will think of us.' Suffice it also to say that this worry (about others' perceptions of us) tends to be inversely related to our self esteem. That is to say, the lower our self esteem, the greater this worry about others' perceptions of us tends to be. Conversely, the higher our levels of self esteem, the lower/less our worry about others' perceptions of us.How higher self esteem leads to more happiness.Now, just think about it: how greater would your happiness be (than it is currently) if you didn't worry too much about others' perception of you - like what others will think about you, what others will say about you... and so on? If you answer that question honestly, you'll see how working to improve self esteem can result in enhanced happiness.

Of course, there are many other mechanisms through which improved self esteem results in enhanced happiness (not just the one where high self esteem helps you stop worrying too much about what others think of you). It is also worth remembering that people with high self esteem tend to have more friends, and to have better relationships with their friends -- which results in more happiness. Further, people with high self esteem tend to have better relationships with themselves. They are less prone to unfair/intense self-criticism when they fail. They are generally kinder to themselves. And that translates into higher levels of happiness.Self esteem and success.In fact, attempts have also been made to correlate high self esteem to success in various endeavors - and it would seem as if high self esteem doesn't just result in higher levels of happiness, but also in greater levels of success. That is especially the case in things like business, where success depends on networking: an undertaking in which people with high self esteem tend to be very good at.

Be happy with yourself. For you to attract the satisfaction of others, it is advisable that you be satisfied with yourself in the first place. Make sure, for example, that you dress well and generally look well kempt. You are then able to remove the fear of not looking good before people and thus are able to manage to work comfortably.

Self affirmation as a way to improve self esteem.One of the ways in which you can treat yourself as a dear friend, and hence improve your self esteem would be by affirming yourself. Friends affirm each other (not necessarily through the use of the so-called 'affirmations' but also through their moment to moment dialogs). Thus, if your moment to moment dialog with yourself is self-affirming, rather than self-depreciating, you are likely to ultimately end up with high self esteem. Of course, to change yourself in this way, you'd have to change your long-held thinking habits - which can be a challenging piece of work -- but the benefits are worth the effort.Keeping promises to oneself as a way to improve self esteem.Another way in which you can treat yourself as a dear friend and hence improve your self esteem would be by keeping promises you make to yourself. Friends keep the promises they make to each other. In this context, this mostly means acting on your plans (rather than chronically messing up with your plans). If you plan to do something, and you don't do it, your self-esteem actually takes a beating.

Re-read that statement. Of course, this assertion that to improve self esteem you need to respect your plans and make an effort towards implementing them also means, by extension, that to improve yourself, you need to develop discipline. No, not the harsh discipline of perpetually beating yourself up, but rather, the nice variety of self-discipline: where you make an effort at implementing your plans, knowing that doing so will result in improved self respect (which, by another name, is 'improved self esteem').There are some authorities who argue that you can improve your self esteem significantly by simply making reasonable plans and implementing them (and not chronically breaking your promises to yourself).

Be as knowledgeable as possible. Take the time to learn a number of things that directly affect your life like work or school-related things and several others. It will help you know what to say during conversations and thus improve your confidence greatly.Love yourself. Go out have fun and feel good all the time there is the chance for it. Loving yourself increases self-confidence in the long run.Take time to focus fully on yourself and try as much as you can to build something positive. They say that Rome was not build in a day and in the same way, there is the need to be patient as you build yourself. The raw materials for this self-confidence building project include: attitude, heart, courage and dedication, among other things that increase your focus towards this important life undertaking.

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