How To Impress A Girl - In 5 Simple Steps

By Sindy Zoer

When guys survey the landscape of potential mates, we look mostly at physical appearance. Sure, if you've got girls lined up so far in your black book you can't see a free afternoon for months, you might start qualifying based on personality.But for the rest of us mortals, a fine looking girls is good enough, so long as she's not a psychotic ax murderer. And for a lot of us, that still may be good enough, so long as she doesn't try and murder us while we're sleeping.
[How To Impress A Girl]

Don't try to impress- Yes here it is the very big secret in front of you! The best way to impress a girl is not to impress her. Now you might be wondering how does this really work. Well when most guys try to impress girls they tend to become more unauthentic and try to show off with almost anything and everything. Girls are not impressed by such tactics and would end up putting you in the "Show off" category. The best way to impress a girl is to be yourself and let things happen automatically.

Dale Carnegie taught years ago that the simplest way to impress somebody is be impressed by them. He taught that the easiest way to become interesting is to first become interested. How do you do that? This is something that can't be faked. However, people are generally interesting. Learn how to ask open ended questions. These are questions that have to be answered with more than one word."Do you like sushi?" is not an opened ended question, as it can be answered with a simple yes or not.But a question like, "So, what kind of food do you usually like when you're hanging out with your friends?" is a much better question. It requires some thought, and a long answer.

There's two reasons you want long answers. One is that she won't feel defensive, as if you're interrogating her.Two is that her answers will give you more opportunities to ask even more questions, and find out things about her that are generally interesting to you.And when you're talking about things that she likes, and she senses some genuine interest from, she'll naturally start feeling some natural attraction.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman’s mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say. They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know.

How to impress a girl? It is a common question asked by men. Becoming a master on the subject of how to impress a girl is really a luxury talent every single male in the world wishes to have. The magic formula is actually to make your-self stand out from the others. Find some strategies to differentiate yourself to impress her. You will need things that money can't buy, such as attitude, self-confidence and demeanor.

Because being a nice guy really isn't being a nice guy. It's being an afraid guy. A nice guy only says "safe" things. Not because he's worried about her feelings, but because he's terrified of being rejected. This guy is always walking on eggshells, because getting rejected is the absolute worse thing that can happen.The next step up is the jerk. This guy is also terrified of being rejected. But he pushes out instead of pulls back. He steps on other peoples toes to scare them away, so they don't step on his. He's the bully that runs away crying as soon as he meets somebody bigger than him.

Now, that sounds pretty good, right? Even if you don't have a nickel to your name, you can still make plans as if you did. And it sounds like you're well on your way to becoming ultra alpha man.However, this still avoids the question, and the main source of her attraction.Sure, girls dig guys that are high valued, have adventurous hobbies, and can face down certain death with ease. However, these are all just proxies for the kind of confidence she REALLY wants.Confidence in talking to her, about the real you.

Now, I'm talking about opening up like some beta-puppy who's seeking her approval. I'm talking about the confidence of a man who's got some alpha deep down in his bones.The kind of man who honestly LIKES who he is. Somebody who doesn't worry about trying to impress other people, because he doesn't care one way or the other what people think of him. He doesn't choose his hobbies based on how he thinks people will judge him.

Girls absolutely LOVE guys like this. They are kind, they have an ultra strong frame, and they can throw down when they need to.It's kind of a paradox. When you develop the "kind guy" attitude, people will sense that under that calm exterior is a warrior underneath. And if they awaken that warrior, it will spell certain doom.On the other hand, having a "kind guy" on your side is the best of both possible worlds.That's why if you want to impress a girl, developing a "kind guy" attitude is the surest way to her heart, and in between her sheets.

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