The Different Kinds Of Pre-Employment Testing

By Cathy Mercer

A lot of employers use pre-employment testing nowadays to weed out job applicants that aren't suitable for their companies to begin with. In fact, there are a lot of different tests that they can ask applicants to go through in order to find the best candidates overall. The most common ones, though, would be the skills, aptitude and general drug tests.

The skills tests are definitely the most common ones out of the bunch, though. When it comes to these tests, applicants basically have to show their potential employers why they should be hired for the job by proving their skills through certain tests. These tests may involve typing, writing, lifting or designing things, depending on the job that the applicant is applying for.

The good news is that this type of test is easy to prepare for. You just need to find out what your potential employer is looking for in an employee beforehand. After that, you can then take mock tests online or practice your hand at drawing or designing as needed.

Aptitude tests are a bit different because they will explore your abilities and skills in a different manner. Instead of asking you to prove what you know, they will ask to see how much you can learn in the end. In other words, these tests will determine how capable you are of learning more as time goes by.

In other words, aptitude tests can tell employers how much time a person will need to learn how to do certain jobs at a satisfactory level. Some general aptitude tests include intelligence tests and IQ tests. However, there are also certain tests out there that focus on certain aptitudes, like mechanical aptitudes.

A lot of employers also ask applicants to take drug tests in order to eliminate the possibility of other work-related problems related to drugs. These tests can be administered on a regular basis as per federal law. However, they will need to be administered in a fair manner.

The rules in terms of this will depend on the state. In some cases, applicants might have to get a job offer before they can be made to take a drug test. In other cases, it merely depends on the actual employers.

Most of the time, job applicants will need to go to a site and submit a urine sample for proper lab analysis. This is known as the five-screen test because it can look for five different kinds of drugs. The best thing about this type of testing, though, is that it is both reliable and affordable overall.

Of course, there are many other types of pre-employment testing out there. You can be tested through your breath, your hair, your saliva or your blood, for instance. Either way, though, you should know that you will be screened before you get hired for a job, so make sure you prepare yourself for anything before applying for one to begin with.

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