The Truths About Reading Disorders

By Essie Osborn

If your child is struggling with school, dreads, writing essays, to read aloud or tackling mathematical problems, then they may have an underlying disability. Even though most children have trouble with their homework occasionally, if you find that a certain area is consistently problematic, then it may be due to reading disorders. These conditions may significantly interfere with the self-esteem, daily activities and academic achievements of the child.

Learning problems are quite common. However, only a few cases of these conditions are usually detected. Usually, these disabilities are caused by two major factors. These are external factors and biological or genetic aspects. These aspects can affect the individual during conception, after birth or even in their adulthood.

Blind, deaf and mute children tend to have several problems when they are reading. These are the hitches that are triggered by biological factors. Some children may inherit these traits from their parents. In addition, brain problems may also affect the learning ability of the individuals. Most doctors can extensively explain problems that are triggered by genetic factors.

Learning difficulties can also be triggered by external factors. These are usually aspects that are outside the body of the child or adult. Therefore, an individual can get these learning disorders regardless of whether they are sick or not. Some of these initiators are the environment, the school that the child attends, their social and even family life.

The affected children may have symptoms such as troubles identifying words, difficulties with meanings of words, spelling problems, transposing of letters or words and poor comprehension. As a parent or teacher, you will notice an outstanding difference in the comprehension of the spoken versus the written word. The children tend to be slower when they read when compared to other children.

The process of learning to read entails a number of components. These include visual memory, synchronization of eye muscles, sequencing ability, assimilating visual signs with learned phonetics and associating sounds with their meanings. When any area of this process is interrupted, then there will be a learning problem. However, there are numerous ways that the different conditions can be detected and diagnosed.

Affected children who attend preschool programs that are academically intensive or curriculum-based programs are identified earlier compared to those who do not engage in early schooling processes. Most educators believe that when this condition is identified earlier, then there will be a bigger success in incapacitating its challenges. Therefore, it is important for parents to be alert when their children are growing up.

Treatment options are readily available for these problems. A comprehensive assessment of the vision, intelligence and hearing of the child should be conducted. This will help to diagnose whether the youngster suffers from any other problem. This is because some kids will also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or autism.

Most parents do not know how to handle children who have learning disabilities. Therefore, it is important for them to educate themselves about these conditions so that they are in a better position to assist their children. This way, they will not have worries of their children being considered slow readers or be enrolled in classes that appear to be less challenging.

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