Benefits Of The Babywise Schedule

By Imelda Reid

There are so many benefits to getting a young baby into a routine. It means more sleep for everyone and this in turn will keep both parents and children feeling happy. The first few weeks after the birth of a new baby is probably the most exhausting time in most peoples lives. They are physically and emotionally drained and it is all too easy to get overwhelmed.

Individual responses to the stress of parenting are what really matters. Some people feel very confident in their ability and are willing to trust their instincts. Others however are not so sure of themselves and really need help. Reading books about parenting is one of the best ways to pick up some good ideas and get help. Many thousands of families are now following the Babywise schedule and finding it is very beneficial to all their lives.

The On Becoming Babywise book is the latest phenomenon to hit the shelves. It takes a very practical approach to parenting and is not suitable for every family. The authors have done a nice job of combining their research and ideas into a very easy to read volume. Many parents say this is what they love about the plan. It is all set out for them and offers a wealth of advice and tips to try.

The intensity of parenting can be even worse if the infant has colic or a medical condition. Babies that cry for hours for no apparent reason are particularly frustrating for their parents. A high percentage of women also suffer from post natal depression. This devastating condition can strike anyone and is hormonally based. Its effects are particularly difficult for those with no one to turn to at their time of need.

One of the key points to remember is not to try and start too early. Most newborns need a lot of sleep and will take several weeks to really get used to their new environment. It is also important not to be too rigid in the approach. This will often lead to more distress for everyone involved. Parent should take some time to think about their own lives and how committed they are to a schedule.

The Babywise plan has been a great help to many working mothers. They have found that by starting out with a routine quite early it is much easier to get the sleep they so desperately need. They should be sure to let their day care or baby sitter know all about the schedules and provide written copies.

No matter how much they read all parents should ultimately honor their own beliefs and philosophies. This can sometimes be very tough as they may face a lot of pressure from friends and family. Most of the advice is meant to help, but it can still be an issue for those who chose to do things their own way.

Parents should always be prepared to take their babies personality into consideration. Some babies respond well to scheduling whilst others do not. Being flexible is a key element to successful parenting and it is good to learn this early.

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