Will Your Relationship Survive True Love Tests

By Edna Booker

Being in a relationship can be difficult without people trying to put you through different true love tests. Many people are not secure with who they are so they will try to make you jump through loops to be with them. So, it is important to know who you are so that you can remove yourself from unhealthy situations.

People are always thinking that you need to prove your love to them. They will be so adamant about this that they will have you thinking that you need to do the same thing. You will be eating differently, dressing different and even surrounding yourself about people who you normally would not do.

Will you ever meet the persons family? Well, if you have been in the relationship for a while, you definitely want to know where the person you are in love with come from. You most likely feel as if you have earned the right to meet the mom and their siblings.

Another big problem could be is if he is big on appearances and he only acts a certain way around certain people. You want someone that only has one face, not multiple ones. Having more than one face can become a big problem in the relationship. No one likes to deal with a person that they never know who they are from one day to the next day. Sometimes, you just have to move on.

People also try to see if you fit in with their friends. They might never made an effort to welcome you in their circle. However, your significant other make you feel that it is your fault that you are not getting along with their friends and their family members. It might be several reasons why people just do not get along.

Such as to whether or not he is willing touch their hand, your back or put their arms around their shoulder. If a woman sees this in a man then most likely she is thinking that he is quite good at having physical contact. She will follow her instincts and might invite him to stay longer after a date. Women do expect men to make the first move. However, just for the man to know if a woman likes intimacy she will touch you a lot.

So, what do you do if your situation just feels as if you are always dating and never in a relationship? You might think you are in serious commitment with the person but they do not treat you that way. Most people do not realize that if a person is meant for them it will be. If the person wants to go and be with someone else then most likely they was not for to be with them in the first place.

Love is a serious thing. If you are lucky enough you will experience at least one time in life. If you are very lucky, you might get a chance at it a couple of times. However, when it does knock on your door, you do not want to continue to chase it away by sending it through a bunch of changes just to be with you. Love is very hard to find, and when you do get a chance at it, your best bet is to hold on to it for dear life.

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