Proper Communication For Adult With Intellectual Disabilities

By Daphne Bowen

Getting sick could happen to anyone and at any part of your body. The most common ones happen in your physical parts which are the most evident. But at times, there are also others that show no sign of any condition. This is when your mentality is the one being affected. The physical indications might come later. But you can see that changes are happening to the behavior of those affected by it.

Different effects could be seen depending on the condition a person is experiencing. But usually, you can expect a change in their actions and behavior when they are undergoing these things. Adults with intellectual disabilities must go through different types of therapy and treatments on top of their medication. But one thing that you can do to support them is to always treat them the right way.

Certain causes have been the reason for this to happen to people. At times, this can already be present at birth. There are also other times when this is caused by accidents and as an after effect of diseases that has plagued you before. When your head is the most affected part, this could be one effect to expect.

Medical specialists in charge of treating patients with these conditions are required to go through different kinds of training. One is to always observe the way you speak with them. People like these have awareness. They are still very knowledgeable of what is happening around them. One indication of a wrong move might upset them. To effectively communicate, it is necessary to talk in the right manner.

There are certain things that you would do well to remember when communicating with them to ensure they can understand what you are saying as well. When talking, talk directly. There is no need to use baby talk since they are adults and they could easily be offended because of this.

They would not understand talk that is trendy. Using jargon might not work with them at times since their understanding is not that high. Avoid using words that are not familiar to them. This would only breed misunderstanding. Take note that they are not always outside. They are also not exposed to these things.

If you converse with them on a regular basis, listening is also necessary. According to experts, there is a higher chance of you understanding their needs if you think about listening well. Sometimes, their main organs are affected by their condition. Others could not speak clearly which makes for harder conversations.

Others might feel the need to shout in order for them to be understood and this is what usually happens for some. But you should not do this when it comes to people that have disabilities since this agitates or upsets them. It does not make it easy for the both of you to talk freely.

These are just some of the things you must remember when talking to them. This does not only apply to medical practitioners but to individuals who have direct relations with someone suffering from mental disabilities. It is best to learn and remember this before talking with them.

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