Magic In These Moments

By Evan Sanders

There's pressure.

Lots of pressure. The type of pressure that turns you into something you've never been before. The type of pressure that can crumble you or turn you into something amazing.

Every once in a while your heart can be conflicted and turn into a place of fury. It sees no way to go and is constantly challenged to move ahead.

This is a great pressure.

And it can build for a long time.

It runs over your chest, up through your cheekbones and down the sides of your neck. It circulates through you like chaos incarnate.

It begs you to do what you know you should do.

It begs you to change your actions, to drop everything you've ever done before, to let the old pieces of you fall away and to usher in a new era for yourself.

But when you are scared it's incredibly hard to dive into this place.

No matter the story we lived in before, you can never go back. You can never go back to the person you once were...and that's perfectly ok.

It's fine to live in that place.

And yet it's such a strange feeling.

It takes a lot of faith to drop into something new. It takes a lot of faith to step onto a path that you have no idea where it will take you. All you know is that it's going to take you somewhere great.

To run on faith...blind the hardest thing to do.

And it takes dropping the fear.

And yet...

Even though you are running into the future blind, it doesn't feel at all unguided.

So make the commitment to dive into what you know you need to do. Make the commitment that goes beyond saying that you're going to do it and actually do it for a change.

Leave all of the old pieces behind.

And step into something that will change your life. Never come back. Never look back.

All of the logic in the world will tell you to stay in as comfortable as a place as possible. Forget that. Dive into what makes you uncomfortable so you can move forward with your life.

Have faith.

Leave your mind behind.

Trust you are headed in the right direction.

About the Author:

No One Said It Would Be Easy

By Evan Sanders

No one ever said this was going to be easy.

No one ever promised you, kid, that it was going to be a cake walk...that you could just travel down the path and not get scraped up? How did you ever even have a whispering thought of that in the first place?

You know better than anyone else that it's going to be one of the most difficult paths in the world. You also know that you are going to have to fight for it every single step of the way.

No matter what happens, you must be willing to charge up the hill willing to take on all of the things that face you along the way.

The truth is, there's going to be nothing in this world that's going to be able to lessen any of the pain, suffering, or challenges that are going to keep coming your way.

There can be no excuses.

So end the wishing, or at least let those ones just fly right off your shoulder. It won't get easier. In fact, it's probably only going to get more challenging.

Because you're swimming upstream.

When you are swimming upstream, you are going to face currents that want to pull you right back into what everyone else is doing.

Keep going forward despite any amount of resistance. Never stop. Because one day when you look back on all that you accomplished you will be incredibly happy that you never quit.

Even if you feel like you're going to break you must continue forward. That feeling of wanting to break isn't you getting ready for breakdown, but more of a breakthrough.

Continue to take pride in the journey and earn it every single day.

The entire world is changing around you, and while you're shifting from time to time, you understand that there's something much more fundamental at play that is guiding you.

Can you continue to trust that?

Can you continue to put effort forward effort even though you might not see results right at the start?

Having big faith will endlessly guide you.

It will be the light you need to carry you forward.

Carry on.

About the Author:

Valentine's Day Shopping Tips, From Christina Kelly

By Katie Onson

When it comes to the most popular holidays of the year, Valentine's Day seems to rank highly. It's a time that people take to show their loved ones how much they care, which is usually done by shopping. This can be something of a challenge for many, but does it necessarily have to be? If you'd like some help during this holiday, so that you can find the gift your significant other would like, here is some advice offered by Christina Kelly.

Valentine's Day gifts come in many shapes and sizes, but clothing seems to be the most common. According to names the likes of Christina DiMauro Kelly, you'll find the best present by focusing on what your loved one seems to like most. For instance, if your significant other enjoys sports, why not invest in a vintage t-shirt or authentic jersey? This is just one suggestion, but it'll make for a much more enjoyable holiday this year.

Even though fashion can work for Valentine's Day, Christina Kelly can tell you that it's far from the only possibility. For example, if you're someone who's a bit more tech-savvy, why not surprise your loved one with a new smartphone or a tablet that they might have had their eye on? Either of these devices can be used by them for a number of reasons, entertainment or otherwise. Depending on what you select, technology can make for a special holiday.

What if you're still stumped on something to get for your loved one on Valentine's Day? Gift baskets are quite popular these days, seeing as how you can customize them to your liking. You might be able to include a number of smaller things that resonate with your significant other, so have some fun putting this together. Suffice it to say, the one you're shopping for is going to enjoy what you have to offer that much more.

There are many Valentine's Day gifts to be found, outside of the normal flowers and chocolates, as you can clearly see. Not everyone has the same preferences, though, which means that you have to put some thought into what you get. Creativity matters, to say the least, so make it a point to pick out the gift that your loved one will take to the most. By doing so, not only will you make this holiday a memorable one but future holidays stand a greater chance of being great to boot.

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Time To Audit Your Life

By Evan Sanders

A few years ago I listened to one of my teachers give our class a Holiday pep talk before we left for vacation and I never forgot it.

One piece however, truly stuck out to me.

Accept your condition.

What did he mean by this?

He meant that you should understand exactly where you are in life and know why you got there.

It means looking at all different areas of your life - relationships, body, thoughts and emotions, and your environment (work, natural, etc) - and seeing things as they are...

The other important part is to see them as they are and not how you think they should have been.

The reason why you need to look at where you are now is...

It builds the foundation for the next steps of where you want to go

It allows you to take serious responsibility for how things are right now and gives you the ability to step into the goal setting process with vigor and motivation.

If you can stop avoiding the past, come to terms with it, and then start focusing on moving forward...that's how you start building a new life completely. But if you don't clean up your past you are asking for serious trouble.

So, auditing your life...what does that actually mean in terms of implementation?

The best way to do this is to get on a huge chalkboard and draw out your entire life answering the question of where you are at.

When you do that it gives you a very clear and visual experience of what exactly is going on in your life. Further, it helps you organize's not just all floating around in your head.

When you audit your life, you give yourself the ability to go, "Okay, where do I want to be? What do I see for myself?"

The second piece of this is to envision what you want in the future and start working backwards from Z to A.

If you do this piece by piece you can create milestones for yourself to build that battle plan of yours.

This will give you a milestone based path instead of going into something completely blind. Then, out of those big milestones, write little lists underneath of, "What do I know now & what do I need to know?"

Those lists of what you need to know will further guide you in the right direction.

So make sure you are really investing time into understanding what skills, resources, and competencies that you need to bring into your life...

To help you get from where you are now to where you need to be in the future.

This process is magic.

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